Youth Initiatives

In November 2022, voters passed Measure L to “Require the City to spend the equivalent of 40% of its local cannabis tax revenues on child and youth services.​ Councilmember Vang co-led with our Sacramento youth the establishment of the Sacramento Children’s Fund which dedicates $8 million annually to support children and youth affected by poverty, violence, and trauma. Today, Councilmember Vang is working with the City Manager's Office to ensure the implementation of the Sacramento Children's Fund​.

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102 Acres Community Project

For far too long, communities in South Sacramento have been underinvested in and denied economic opportunities. Growing up in Sacramento, I have seen entire neighborhoods endure generational poverty and there are still parts of our city that continue to be passed over. I ran for city council to set a new trajectory for communities that have been long ignored and forgotten – so that they too can receive the resources they need to thrive. With support from Mayor Darrell Steinberg and Representative Doris Matsui, the City of Sacramento purchased that 102-acre parcel of land in the heart of South Sacramento in January 2022, creating a unique opportunity for our residents to dream big and co-create a community-centered development that would benefit our families and neighborhoods.

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Food Justice Task Force

In partnership with Mayor Darrell Steinberg, the Food Justice Task Force was launched in 2021 to ensure that our most vulnerable communities recover equitably from the COVID-19 pandemic and that our city has sufficient, healthy, and accessible food for all. Vice Mayor Caity Maple and Councilmember Vang are now co-leading this taskforce.

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LEAP (Language Equity & Access Policy)

The purpose of this project is to evaluate the City’s current language accessibility resources and the usefulness at providing and promoting language accessibility and outreach to community members with limited-English proficiency.

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SAVE Coalition (Sacramento Alliance for Vaccine Equity)

SAVE is dedicated to breaking down the digital, cultural, and language barriers that prevent individuals from getting the COVID-19 vaccine through both traditional organizing efforts and innovative, cost-effective methods.

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Team Up to Clean Up

One of the top priorities in D8 is the upkeep of our neighborhoods. Help us identify the streets and blocks that need the most attention in your neighborhood and organize a clean up day. Please complete the survey to help us identify and coordinate neighborhood clean-ups in District 8.

Affording Housing & Homelessness

We must preserve, protect, and produce more affordable housing in our City to ensure our families can stay in Sacramento. For every 1 person housed, 3 more residents become unhoused. We must move upstream to keep residents and families in their homes. Below are policy proposals, initiatives, and projects we’re working on to bring more affordable housing into South Sacramento and address the humanitarian crisis on our streets:

Sacramento Forward

Sacramento Forward is a comprehensive set of policy changes presented by Vice Mayor Maple, Councilmember Katie Valenzuela, and Councilmember Mai Vang. This policy proposal will transform and dramatically increase the City’s affordable housing stock, protect vulnerable tenants from losing their homes, and provide key protections for workers who are so often priced out of the homes they’re building.

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City-County MOU

The City Council unanimously approved the historic City-County legally binding partnership agreement to begin addressing the homelessness crisis collectively in our region.

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Meadowview Navigation Center

The Meadowview Navigation Center in South Sacramento opened on October 1st, 2020. At full capacity, it will provide 100 beds to unsheltered women aged 18 years and over. Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency oversees the operations of the shelter while Volunteers of America provides the daily on-site services of shelter operations. All shelter guests will be given access to a myriad of services that will meet them where they are and assist them in obtaining permanent housing.

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