Sacramento Alliance for Vaccine Equity

The Sacramento Alliance for Vaccine Equity (SAVE) is a coalition of 20+ community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, medical care providers, and local governments. Launched in May of 2021, SAVE came together after the Pannell Center Vaccine Clinic model was proven to be effective in vaccinating hard-to-reach communities. SAVE is dedicated to breaking down the digital, cultural, and language barriers that prevent individuals from getting the COVID-19 vaccine through both traditional organizing efforts and innovative, cost-effective methods.

Our Expanded Coalition

  • Office of Councilmember Mai Vang

  • County of Sacramento

  • Equivax

  • Antioch Progressive Church

  • Community Partners Advocates for Little Saigon Sacramento

  • Genesis Church Sacramento

  • Hmong Youth and Parents United

  • La Familia Counseling Center

  • Rose Family Creative Empowerment Center

  • The Light Christian Center

  • Sacramento Asian/Pacific Islander Regional Network

  • Sacramento NAACP

  • Dr. Rusty Oshita, Urgent Care Now

  • City of Sacramento

  • Kaiser Permanente South Sacramento

  • Common Ground

  • Empowering Pacific Islander Communities (EPIC)

  • Hmong Innovating Politics

  • Iu Mien Community Services

  • ReImagine Mack Road Foundation

  • Tetteh Pediatric Health

  • To'utupu'o E'otu Felenite Association (TOFA)

  • Sacramento Children's Home

  • South Sacramento Christian Center

Meet Our Founding Partners

Antioch Progressive Church

Antioch Progressive Church is built to be a beacon to our community for spiritual, emotional, and physical support. We offer a free food give-a-way every Tuesday, rain or shine, along with free COVID testing Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Our mission to provide 100 years of continuity to this community through the recourses provided. Visit their website >>


Genesis Church Sacramento

The Genesis Church is an urban, multi-generational church in South Sacramento, CA. Rev. Dr. Tecoy Porter Sr. and Lady Karlette Porter are the Senior Pastors. We have been serving the Meadowview community for over 31 years through various outreach efforts that support our mission to love unconditionally, lead effectively, serve without limits, and give generously. We are happy with the work that we are doing with Councilwoman Vang to get our community vaccinated. Through her leadership, we have helped so many to do so, but there is still a lot of work to do to ensure that everyone, especially those in communities of color, is vaccinated. Visit their website >>


Hmong Innovating Politics

Hmong Innovating Politics (HIP) is a grassroots organization whose mission is to strengthen the political power of Hmong and disenfranchised communities through innovative civic engagement and strategic grassroots mobilization. HIP is based in Fresno and Sacramento, CA and committed to mobilizing two of the largest Hmong American populations in the state and nation. Visit their website >>


Hmong Youth and Parents United

Hmong Youth & Parents United (HYPU) exists as a non-profit 501(c)3 in the city of Sacramento and provides educational, social, and economic opportunities for under-served communities such as the Hmong community. HYPU directly serves the Sacramento Hmong community by implementing programs and providing resources related to health/mental health, education, family relationships, youth leadership development, social and economic opportunities, and community advocacy and engagement. HYPU has served over 1700 students, 500 families, and 5300 individuals in the Sacramento region through youth pop-ups, health fairs, conferences, financial assistance programs, food giveaways, academic support, and equitable access to the COVID-19 vaccine. Visit their website >>


Iu Mien Community Services

Iu Mien Community Services (IMCS) was established in 1994 and served as a vital resource to the greater Sacramento Iu Mien Community. Our mission is to support and develop healthy Iu Mien families and communities through culturally responsive programs and services. We provide professional social services to Iu Mien families that are culturally responsive in order to celebrate and preserve Iu Mien culture and identity; engage in the accomplishment of economic self-sufficiency for Iu Mien refugees; facilitates access to high quality resources and vital education assistance for Iu Mien youth; address generational issues to support and sustain family stability; demonstrate the accomplishment of a healthy viable Iu Mien community that has the ability to successfully interact with the wider society. In order to accomplish this mission, IMCS hosts weekly events for our Healthy Village Senior Groups, ComMIENity Language Program and S.A.E. Mien Youth Club. We also host an annual student conference on a college campus (UC Davis or Sacramento State) and invite high school students around the area to attend to promote higher education. With the guidance of our emerging professionals from our eclectic board of directors, we are committed to continue the much needed work and visibility to support and promote the advancement of the Iu Mien community in the Greater Sacramento Region. Visit their website >>


La Familia Counseling Center

La Familia Counseling Center, Inc. (LFCC) has been providing multicultural services for nearly 50 years. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for at-risk youth and families of diverse background by offering multicultural counseling, support and outreach services and programs to help families to overcome adversity, to become empowered and to succeed in their lives. We practice principles of cultural responsivity, which has allowed us to build a trusting relationship with the community and has propelled us to be one of the “go to” agencies in the area. Visit their website >>


Rose Family Creative Empowerment Center

Rose Family Creative Empowerment (RFCE) combats social and cultural poverty through arts and education programs that help equip and empower our children and families to succeed and thrive. The RFCE model is centered on activating and connecting school, community and institutional partners to use our shared capacity, talents and skills to effect positive change. Visit their website >>


Tetteh Pediatric Health

Tetteh Pediatric Health is a solo pediatrician practice in Pocket/South Sacramento providing care for newborns through young adults. Dr. Beatrice Tetteh educates patients and their families to make good treatment decisions for a healthy future. Dr. Tetteh is proud to be a partner providing COVID-19 education, tests, and vaccines to the community. Visit their website >>


Sacramento Asian/Pacific Islander Regional Network

The Sacramento Asian/Pacific Islander Regional Network is a coalition of progressive Asian and Pacific Islander organizations and individuals who recognized the need for critical analysis and swift response to the unique impacts of COVID-19 on the regional A/PI community. We are an equity, justice and healing-centered organization that builds power and coalition within the intersections A/PI Americans. Visit their website >>


Sacramento Children's Home

Since 1867, the Sacramento Children’s Home has been committed to providing high quality care to the Sacramento region’s most vulnerable children and families. Our 154 year history has positioned our agency at the forefront of caring for at-risk youth and helping to build strong families throughout our community, and today, we are the preeminent provider of children and family services in the region. From providing crisis support for families with infants and toddlers to providing short term residential care to foster youth who have suffered trauma SCH focuses on child abuse prevention, intervention, and mental health treatment for our area’s most at-risk children and families. Our programs promote child safety, positive parenting, education, and mental health, and improve the healthy functioning of families. Through our portfolio of programs, we provide services to over 7,000 children and 4,300 families each year. At 154 years old, the Sacramento Children’s Home is the oldest and one of the most highly respected nonprofits in Sacramento and makes a significant difference in the lives of our community’s most vulnerable children and families. Visit their website >>


Sacramento NAACP

Our mission is to secure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights to eliminate race-based discrimination and ensure the health and well-being of all persons. Regarding vaccine equity, we quickly understood that our underserved and vulnerable communities were misrepresented in several ways, including education, access challenges, computer literacy and bandwidth as well as vaccine hesitancy. We quickly sprang into action against another barrier within our marginalized population.

We identified some common challenges to access, knowing that we would need a strategy that went beyond the systems that were in place to navigate for our communities. We immediately developed “COVID VACCINE IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD” which includes Townhall Learning Sessions, providing a dedicated phone line to set-up vaccination appointments with Councilmember Mai Vang’s office, as well as assisted and partnered with other vaccine locations including Mercy Medical, Del Paso Heights with Dr. Kawanna, and homebound delivery services for vaccine distribution. We are dedicated to the cause and will continue to enhance the opportunity, impact the vision, and promote the change. Visit their website >>